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DEMA has a number of proportioning systems for filling spray bottles, buckets and any other small to large volume equipment or containers. DEMA offers a simple push button modular system for 1 product that’s flexible to make a multi-product dispenser, a molded plastic system for 2-3 products, and stainless steel units for 1-5 products. Some stainless systems had locking enclosures for the ultimate security and all systems are available with chemical storage racks. Multiple flow rates are available for flows of 1, 2.5 or 4 gpm (4, 10 or 15 L / min.) to achieve the best flow for the particular application. And DEMA offers multiple back flow protection options with the Action Gap and air gap backflow preventers. DEMA also offers the unique industry-leading Safe Link™ Closed Loop Chemical Management System with Dura Seal™ technology to any housekeeping dispenser.


Spray Clean Kit

633 Blend Center Single Station Dispenser

633 Blend Center’s modular design lets you easily couple together any number of stations to create any system to meet your needs. Mix and match 1gpm (4 liters / min.) and 4 gpm (15 liters / min.) and choose from blue, red, green, yellow, black, or white buttons. Models include either Action Gap or Air Gap backflow protection.


681 Blend Center Two and Three Product Molded Systems

681 Blend Center is a 2 or 3 product system with an impact resistant plastic cover and dedicated fill ports for individual products that limits the selection choice the user makes and provides a large product identification area. Mix and match 1gpm (4 liters / min.) and 4 gpm (15 liters / min.) and choose from blue, red, green, yellow, black, or white buttons. Models include either Action Gap or Air Gap backflow protection.

Model No.
Number of Stations
Cover Material

681 Blend Center Single and Multi-Product Stainless Steel Systems

681 Blend Center is a 2 to 5 product system with a stainless steel cover and dedicated fill ports for individual products that limits the selection choice the user makes and provides a large product identification area. Mix and match 1gpm (4 liters / min.) and 4 gpm (15 liters / min.) and choose from blue, red, green, yellow, black, or white buttons. Models include either Action Gap or Air Gap backflow protection.


Model No.
Number of Stations
Cover Material
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel

661 Blend Safe Stainless Steel Locking Dispensers

The 661 Blend Safe Series offer safety and security when it is necessary for gallon bottles to be self contained inside the dispenser and stainless steel is required. Two different 1 products systems are available with either a single 1 gpm (4 liters / min.) fill or dual fill with 1 gpm (4 liters / min.) and 4 gpm (15 liters / min.). A 4 product system is also available with 3 bottle fill and 1 bucket fill ports. Models include either Action Gap or Air Gap backflow protection.

  • Model 661GAPB One station (1 gpm) with Action Gap backflow preventer
  • Model 661GAPDB One station with two buttons (1 gpm and 4 gpm) with Action Gap backflow preventer
  • Model 661GAP-4 Four station with Action Gap backflow preventer (standard configuration is three 1 gpm proportioners and one 4 gpm proportioner)